10 benefits of aluminium guttering

You’re probably reading this because you need to buy gutters, but you know the huge problems that you get with plastic gutters? – You’re not alone.

There are 10 benefits of aluminium gutters which make them the number one choice compared to those made from plastic, steel, cast iron and even copper gutters. That’s why it’s not surprising that Aluminium Gutters have continued to become increasingly popular.

Here Are 10 Benefits of Aluminium Gutters:

  1. Very Strong: Aluminium Gutter Has an Incredible Strength
  2. Long Lasting: Aluminium Gutter Has an Excellent Lifespan
  3. 100% Recyclable: Aluminium Gutter is Widely Recycled
  4. Easy to Install: Installing Aluminium Gutter is Easy
  5. Doesn’t Rust: Unlike Other Metals, Aluminium Gutter Won’t Rust
  6. No Creaking Noises: Aluminium Gutters Don’t ‘Creak’ like Plastic
  7. Great Roof Access: Can Lean Ladders Against Aluminium Gutter
  8. Any Colour: Aluminium Gutter can be Manufactured in Any RAL Colour
  9. Very Little Maintenance: Stays looking classy with very little care
  10. Cost-Effective: Now Manufactured at Very Affordable Prices

Very Strong: Aluminium Gutter Has an Incredible Strength

The strength-to-weight ratio of aluminium gutter is excellent. This means although it is a lightweight metal it is very strong. Unlike plastic, aluminium is very strong and won’t become brittle. This has several practical advantages.

Aluminium gutter can perform under significant weight loads and withstand substantial impacts. Even if it was impacted so hard it dented, it would generally still retain its structural integrity and not break like plastic gutter.

For example, a common complaint of plastic guttering is that the brackets are continually breaking. This is expensive and increases the cost of repairs to your property, as broken brackets will tend to cause leaks and also other parts to come loose and fall off.

Another factor is the weight of snow. In winter snowfall settling on roofs and then eventually sliding off, often causes plastic gutters to break and be torn off. With quality aluminium gutters you can be assured that in most cases the gutters are well-able to handle the weight of any snow fall and heavy rainstorms.

Long Lasting: Aluminium Gutter Has an Excellent Lifespan

Aluminium Gutter has an estimated lifespan of 60 years. The durability of aluminium is incredible which is why it lasts longer than many other metal gutters such as cast iron or steel.

Compared to plastic gutter, aluminium gutter will last around 10 times as long. Aluminium gutter will also last longer than zinc gutter and as long as copper.

100% Recyclable: Aluminium gutter is Widely Recycled

The great thing about aluminium is it can be recycled time and again. So, whether it’s offcuts left over from the installation, or at the end of its final life you can be assured that extruded aluminium gutters can be recycled indefinitely. The same applies to aluminium downpipes and fittings.

Easy to Install: Installing Aluminium Gutter is Easy

If you choose a quality aluminium gutter system which is fixed with a sealant and screw fixing it will be easy to install.

Also, you should look out for an aluminium gutter that has an easy slide-n-drop bracket system to speed up your installation and make it even easier! Quickly screw in the gutter fascia brackets and then simply slide-n-drop the

gutter into position so it hangs securely in place.

Connecting the union joints and running outlets with the correct sealant and special screw-n-lock grub screws is an easy way to ensure water-tight seals.  This method of connecting and sealing is fast and easy and gives great peace of mind.

Doesn’t Rust: Unlike Other Metals, Aluminium Gutter Won’t Rust

Unlike steel guttering or cast iron gutters, aluminium gutters won’t rust. Aluminium is an amazing product which has its own anti-rust protection.

This is important as rusting gutter fittings not only cause leaks but can also look very unsightly with rust streaks forming which ruin the aesthetics of the property. Choosing an aluminium downpipe and fixings makes all the difference.

Old Rusted Steel Iron Gutter Image

No Creaking Noises: Aluminium Gutters Don’t ‘Creak’ like Plastic

If you have ever been close to plastic gutters on a sunny day, or in an evening when it gets cooler, you will have noticed that the gutters make loud creaking, cracking and popping sounds.

These sounds are annoying and also make the whole property feel a bit cheap sounding! The reason for these noises is that PVC gutters expand and contract significantly with temperature changes .

With aluminium gutter, the expansion and contraction is a lot less. In addition, where movement is required the aluminium parts slide over each other without much noise. Also, many of the connections in aluminium gutter are fixed connections that don’t move, whereas in plastic gutter systems, most parts are not fixed, and this causes more noise.

Great Roof Access: Can Lean Ladders Against Aluminium Gutter

It may not be your first consideration when choosing which gutter to use, however, it’s quite common that plastic gutters get broken when roofers or window cleaners have accidentally leant their gutters against them for access to high-level windows or roof work.

Whilst it is critical that any worker at a height takes the necessary health and safety precautions for each job, it is good to know that good quality aluminium gutter systems are strong enough in theory for ladders to lean against in most situations, so they shouldn’t break like plastic gutters do.

This is further peace of mind to know that you will not suddenly get some extra expenses or repair costs.

Any Colour: Aluminium Gutter can be Manufactured in Any RAL Colour

The most popular colour for gutters in the UK is black, and this equates to around 65% of properties. However, Black Gutters are becoming less popular as other colours become available. The next most popular colour of gutter is white, followed by dark grey.

However, many people are looking for individuality and prestige property looks. After all, windows and doors are widely manufactured in many bespoke colours. Whereas plastic gutters are generally only manufactured in black, white, grey, and brown.

This why aluminium gutters have yet another benefit; aluminium gutters are manufactured in any RAL colour of your choice. So from pillar box red for a bright classy look, to the more subtle lichen green for older heritage properties, you can get a powder-coated colour to suit almost any colour scheme.

Very little Maintenance: Stays looking classy with very little care

Compared to PVC rainwater systems, Aluminium gutters require very little maintenance and continue to look classy with very little care regardless of the size or style of roof.

Not many people have time to clean gutters nowadays, so it's great to know that with aluminium gutters you generally don’t need to do much at all to keep them working. The only time that more regular clearing out might be needed is if the gutter is installed near trees, and is likely to get leaf build-up.

Cost-Effective: Now Manufactured at Very Affordable Prices

Perhaps this should have been the first benefit, but it's important to realise the other benefits. Even if aluminium gutters were twice the price it's still worth the investment.

However, the great news is that not all aluminium gutter systems are as expensive as you might think. In fact, due to special manufacturing efficiencies, some aluminium gutter systems are now the same price as plastic gutters.

So, in conclusion, you’re sure to agree that aluminium gutter is an obvious and wise choice, and we know that plastic gutters are likely to become a thing of the past as installers and property owners expect longer-lasting gutter solutions for less.

Whatever your requirement is we are always very happy to assist on our Live Chat where our super-friendly Teams will provide you with all the advice and support you require for your projects.


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